Screw you grammar nazi (influence of 9gag =.=)
Long, a very long time ago i was a different entity. Here after 4 years of hard work, struggling to survive in university, I almost there, reaching the end of my university journey. The wise man said it is the journey not the destination, I guess it is true, for me.
These years, ages, I spent, I have no idea what I did. It doesn't mean I didn't learn but more to "so many things happened i couldn't remember all and keep up with it". Hell yeah . . .
I just want to highlight a part called sacrifices and choices. We as human being is capable to make a free choice over several available options. Sometimes it can be good or bad, but none of the option totally bad or totally good. There is always hidden consequences, deeper meaning behind, and responsibilities.
I made several "bad" choices and I need to sacrifices some things. Maybe that is not what really happened, maybe I just exaggerate what happened. However, I really do think i made bad choices and i need to sacrifice something.
Friends and social relationship, the thing i sacrifice. I really do not become myself this 4 years in term of social relationship. I have friends but didn't really get in touch with them. Seldom chat and hang out with them. I become a lone ranger, try to be alone. Yet they were there with me.
This journey teach me that friendship is previous, friends are irreplaceable, priceless. At least true friend.
I just hope this coming years, the new journey i shall depart soon, will give me something else and won't end up sacrificing time i have with my friends.
Guys, I miss you so much, please forgive me for not having time for you !
Ciaosz !!