I love english, since i know this really weird language called english.This sem i take one of the elective subject for english which is "Writing for specific purpose". My lecturers's is Miss Shazwani and this post is dedicated for her.
I should have done my task in My-Line, a special e-learning portal to learn english in my university, but i didn't.
The task is simple, participate in 3 forum which has different topic. I thought it was cool to participate in a forum, until i realized how fake it can be. Everyone in the forum, as what i see, can only say agree or disagree or state their opinion and never appear again in the surface. They just simply participate because of the mark and it disgust me. Moreover this action clearly seen as copy and paste and edit, at least for me, since the answer is all the same, no one argue ( well at least almost no one), debate, or comment on other people opinion. It just simply fake.
You can call me stubborn or anything, but this is not me. I learn and
In this post i want to state my opinion and apologize. I learn a lot from this subject, more than what i ever imagined. However, especially for the forum, i don't feel like involving myself. I am not comfortable when everyone just seek the mark, is this how a forum should work, is this how education should be ?
I bet if the forum activity is not given any mark, no one will participate on it("no one" including me). I wonder, if only the way we participate and the marking criteria can be a slightly different, it might give a better impact ? Maybe by asking student to create a topic that they like and post into a forum, a real forum, such as forum.lowyat.net and the mark is given by how the student really participate on this forum (number of post or thread started, reputation, etc etc), or perhaps from the number of other people involve in the thread the students make. Who knows, but i love that idea :)
Hmmmm . . . in the end sometimes i thing it just me being selfish and stubborn, hence i caused a problem to myself. I am sorry Miss Shazwani, i just can't simply follow other people. I have my own opinion, i have my own faith and i have my own principle. Who will i become if i simply sway away by other, who will i become if i can't keep my principle.
Thank you Miss Shazwani, I was a bad student but i really, really appreciate and love your class. It really open my mind and help me very much. Thank you and I am sorry. . . .
I was wrong before and it happened in the past. This is me in the making, where i can be wrong, make mistakes, but still and always try to be a better person. I am not perfect, hence I try to be one.