The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education- Albert Einstein
Well, I agree with what he said. In term on understanding, I just achieve a new level of understanding of this quote few hours ago.
This was because I am stuck, here in my room. I stuck with the same subject that made me stuck for this university life a year ago. I just can't understand how it works. Some people might tell me to just copy paste and edit. Sorry guys, I really can't do that. At least not in the thing i like and i am interested into. I really need to know how it work, from where this freaking formula, design, code - you named it - come. I can't simply accept.
Some people might thing i am stupid after all, I don't mind. I am stupid. World can say anything bout me, well i don't give a damn. These few frustrating weeks, i talked with some people, my friends. I said to them, bout my plan to stop this hell in my life. I just can't get the benefit. I feel this is the greatest wall of my learning. I can learn anything i want, with any method i like. These subjects, just stop me on my track. I can't conquer it, i can't break it down. This invisible wall just stand there.
I talked to my friends and most of the result i got. "Why do you want to quit? It is not good!". Some of them did say that they support whatever my decision is, but the way they express it, told me that they thing my idea was crazy and i need to stop before it is late. Hmmm "late" this word...., well you will never late as long as you keep trying and move on. However, is it true? Is it true that i should keep trying struggle with my university subjects? Is it true that i can't do anything outside this environment? Is it true that i will fail in the real worl? I don't know, no one know for sure, the exact answer. All of us can only speculate, guess, predict, but never an exact answer.
I just hope i can finish this semester, i really don't care any more, I do want to finish this university life as soon as possible and create some money. Education need money, but learning can goes on without it.
Back to doing the projects,