That dreams i have, the dreams i had, the one i treasure the most, my precious. 4 tahun sudah kuhabiskan di malaysia, kuliah, ngampus, study. I was alone that time, when i entered this university only with my mom beside me and now i recalling that moment it was very similar with my first day in kindergarten. Only me and my mom, with her usual "i-am-worry-bout-you-son-but-please-be-strong-and-reach-your-dream-i-pray-for-you", I love you mom.
Dreams, mimpi-mimpi, hal-hal kecil yang selalu mebuatku merasa bangga dan kuat, it derives me to do more, dreams, my passion, my inspiration. Sebagai anak kecil yang selalu ingin tahu I love to read, thousands of books, magazines, articles. Buku-buku bertema petualangan, dongeng, inilah yang menjadi pondasi mimpi-mimpi itu.
Malam ini ketika kuingat lagi semua itu, aku sadari bahwa aku sudah jauh berubah, berbeda, dibandingkan tahun-tahun yang telah kulewati. Aku terbuai kehidupan dan melupakan mimpi-mimpi itu. Then i remembered all those memories i treasured, the dreams. Dari pengen jadi dokter, arsitek kelas kakap, astronot, punya rumah sendiri lengkap dengan ruang bawah tanah, observatorium, kolam renang, taman yang luas, I smiled.
As final year student, soon i will face a crossroad, dimana aku harus memilih, pilihan yang akan menentukan masa depanku, i am not sure which one should i chose. Apakah aku harus memilih untuk melanjutkan kuliah, atau bekerja baik di bagian technical sebagai programmer, konsultan, atau di bagian managerial yang berkaitan dengan pengalamanku di AIESEC. I confused.
The image appeared suddenly, the image of a young boy with his drawing books filled with thousands image which part of his dream. I remembered the time i had my first MyLDS in 2008. I came to the front of plenary waving the drawing i made and shout my dream in front of 500 peoples. I was the first who did that, i am proud because i can share my dreams, and memori itu terus berulang.
I can clearly see the image, a boy with a big backpack, memakai topi dan jaket lusuh, doing something with his laptop on a bench in European style garden during autumn, and a large article on a newspaper about a particular IT company.
It was the thing i forgot, it was the dream i wanted to pursue. I want to have my own company and travel around the world. Mengigat kembali impian yang terkubur, i now know which road should i chose, now i have a dream to pursue again, a own my passion again, to live my own dream. Mengejar mimpi, cita, dan angan.
Someday, I will own a company, and while travelling around europe during autumn, i will write a post in this blog and make my dream become reality.
...dan angin membelainya lembut, ia sesaat menghela nafas, memandang hamparan taman dengan daun-daun menguning di musim gugur, menatap langit sore kemerahan. Beberapa detik kemudian wajah itu kembali tenggelamkan menatap ratusan baris kode di layar monitor laptop tuanya...